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When you hear the words “business theft” or “business fraud,” what do you think of? Armed robberies of a local convenience store? Kids shoplifting? Employee theft like the embezzlement of large sums of cash? The most obvious forms of business theft aren’t always the most common forms, which is why loss prevention and theft protection practices need to vary greatly from business to business, or at least industry to industry. Security Cameras can prevent business theft and fraud.

Protect your business

There are many worries for business owners these days, especially in the midst of an economic recession, when crime is on the rise. Law enforcement agencies from parts of the country hardest hit by the recession have reported increased levels of theft.

Shoplifting and other forms of theft are major business concerns when the country is not experiencing the best of economic times. In fact, studies show that the average small business can lose more than $50,000 every year due to theft. Even in good times, this will put a serious dent in many companies’ profits.

With the recession-induced business slowed down and rising crime rates, it’s more important than ever that companies consider the relatively small investment in video security equipment to protect themselves from this increasing activity.

Here is a detailed list of our Top 10 Ways Business Security Cameras can Prevent Theft. This list will help you understand the many different ways that security cameras can be used at your office or place of business to increase your safety, help stop theft and fraud, and increase your peace of mind as a business owner.